Homeless, Broke and Broken People Wanted…

Most of my life I have been wealthy as I had access to food, water, shelter, family, friends, and many times no money worries too… 

However, It was when I was broke, broken and homeless that I had a dream and a burning QUESTION in my heart…

What if there was a WAY to help the broke, broken and homeless get back up one more time?

We believe offering them a positive and caring community of REAL PEOPLE who are like-minded and like-hearted, who may have been where you are right now and have a heart of COMPASSION to encourage others to GROW so much they become able to ENCOURAGE OTHERS too…

At 56 years young… It’s been a lifetime of lessons and the dream of finding a SOLUTION has been burning in my heart since 2018. It’s now June 2023 and we are JUST GETTING STARTED…

If you have the same PASSION we understand there are very few ways we can help…

Our amazing community is making this dream a reality with Umbrellarz and WowStartNow

“As we believe it is better to encourage people to earn a living instead of giving them just one loaf of bread… even though that loaf of bread maybe where we need to start!”

Stuart Clark 2nd June 2023

We encourage you to join our fun-loving positive community today!



God bless you, your family, your friends and anyone you meet along the way…

Stuart Clark