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During December 2022 (Beta Game launched)
6,000 hours of gaming between December 2022 to September 2023 with…
- 8,000 beta game players
- playing a total of 73,000 games
- Winning over $240k in prizes
The SuperOne Game was continually updated to include…
- Animations and sounds
- Freeze, Pass and Show
- Multicategories
- Multilanguage
- Leaderboards
- Social onboarding + sharing
September 2023 Commercial Launch…
On the 1st September 2023 the SuperOne Game was approved in Google Play and Apple App Store for game play purchases.
Planned in October 2023 is…
- Separate Game + Affiliate apps
- Game tuning and design update
- Massive content expansion (AI)
- Conversion of game winnings
- Club games with club prizes
- Fan connect

Simple and powerful SuperOne Affiliate Plan
- An easy one-page bonus plan
- Pays a massive 62.5% in real-time
- Performance based unilevel plan with dynamic compression and infinity bonus.
- Performance pool based on personal volume per rolling 30 days.
- Token pool based on 800,000 pool tokens, with only 138,000 remaining! (dated 2nd September 2023)

Our disruptive affiliate plan empowers everyone to earn via connections, tapping into limitless team- building potential and offering unmatched earning potential with real-time payouts.

Personal Volume (PV) is your own and first level purchases 30 days PV required to earn any bonus, 90 days grace Performance Pool based on 30 days PV at all times. Token Pool based on pool tokens
Team Volume (TV) is sales in unilevel 1 to 10 TV required to be eligible for infinity bonus Maximum 50% of TV from one downline

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