Wow! Start! Now! Prayer…

GOD my Father, GOD the Son, and GOD The Holy Spirit love me with their one heart by paying the ultimate price for me. To become a Child of God and the inheritance all this brings…

This very day I choose to dwell with Him through the knowledge, understanding and wisdom in His true and faithful words revealed by the cooperation of The Holy Spirit in me.

To listen and to obey His voice, as I diligently choose to delight myself in my LORD.

To LOVE the LORD my GOD with all my MIND, with all my HEART, with all my SOUL, with all my BODY, and with all my STRENGTH…

Yesss! My entire being so that I may live in His promised abundant life, being blessed and having each and every blessing multiplied in the land that I have been given to dwell, with the promise of a long divine and healthy life here on earth and eternity with Him in heaven.

I now receive His LOVE to overflowing in me, which casts out all fear… 

As I cooperate by loving GOD and hating EVIL… Casting out any FALSE thoughts and replacing them with His TRUE thoughts… by meditating on His life-giving WORD day and night!

Walking and trusting in His Right and Perfect Ways and not my wrong ways… Doing His perfect and pleasing WILL on earth as it is in heaven, and not my imperfect will…

To abide in Him… and to lovingly wholeheartedly serve Him with a right heart attitude. Serving the LORD my GOD with a joyful mind and grateful heart for the abundance of all things, as He has already commanded the blessings in me, upon me and in all that surrounds me. As He delights to reward His obedient Children plentifully.

I, therefore, am now able to freely let His LOVE, His compassion flow through me to others…

I ask The Holy Spirit in me to reveal His WISDOM, His UNDERSTANDING, His KNOWLEDGE of all kinds of WORKMANSHIP according to His WORD for His GLORY! 

Thank You Father! Thank You Jesus! Thank You Holy Spirit! Amen!

This is the day the LORD has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.